Home for the Holidays, by Allerien @Wolfsbane NA

A refuge from the cold.  Home for the Holidays, by Allerien@Wolfsbane NA.
A refuge from the cold. Home for the Holidays, by Allerien@Wolfsbane NA.

Hello again, Dimensionerds!  If you’re in the US right now, there’s a good chance you’re freezing your fingers off–even in the South where I live, it’s unreasonably, I mean unseasonably, cold.  Why, then, if I’m cold, am I touring Kestrel’s Cry Ravine, one of two dimensions located in the snowing zone of Iron Pine Peak?  Well, there’s a couple of reasons for that.  One, this dimension by Allerien has always been one of my favorites.  Two, Kestrel’s is one of my favorite base dimensions.  Third, my current project is in Icewatch Outpost, the other IPP dimension, and I’m looking around to see what other people have done with these wintry places.

Allerien uses all 1200 items of the tier 5 limit for Kestrel’s Cry Ravine, and for as old as this dimension is, it’s definitely a hidden gem, sitting at only 61 All Time +1’s.  Allerien certainly makes an eye-catching entry as well, with that massive front window that provides such a stunning view of the outside.  She has the added bonus of saving on tons of weather-blockers by using the Space Sky Projector, which has one benefit of stopping weather effects like snow and rain in addition to making the sky quite dark.  Given the complexity of the house’s structure, Allerien needed to save as many items as possible.

Earth tones and warm colors dominate this cabin, which suit it very well, and this is one of the few dimensions that uses the Space Sky Projector without being so dark you can barely see, due to liberal use of bright lights like Branch Lampposts.  Just as much as the house, I enjoyed the simple landscaping that Allerien did with the frozen stream and pond.  With the holiday season right around the corner, Christmas cottages will soon be popping up all over, but I think we’d all do well to not forget that there are older holiday builds out there, waiting to be rediscovered.

I hope you enjoyed this look at Home for the Holidays, by Allerien@Wolfsbane, and if you like this one, be sure to check out her other dimensions, listed here.

Happy Touring!

2 thoughts on “Home for the Holidays, by Allerien @Wolfsbane NA

  1. In Colorado, we are definitely freezing something off, but it is not our fingers…. I really like this dimension, too, and I’ve visited several times. 🙂

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